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Pow Wow 2022

Clash of Clans


Register today to get the best price and a free T-shirt! Pre-registration will close on May 13th at 11:59pm. We will be giving out a free Pow Wow T-shirt for everyone who pre-registers. Campers that do not pre-register will NOT get a T-Shirt; they will not be sold at the event.


June 10-12, 2022 (Fri-Sun)


King’s Camp

9560 E Lindenwood Road
Chana, IL 61015


$32 per person OR $27 per person if registered before May 13th. Contact your outpost leaders for any additional outposts costs to cover transportation and food.


Boys and Men 5yrs and up.


Jacques La Christian - Professional wilderness storyteller

Free T-Shirt

Everyone who pre-registers before May 13th will receive a free Pow Wow 2022 T-shirt. Register today to claim your free shirt. Campers that do not pre-register will NOT get a T-Shirt; they will not be sold at the event.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The District fee is $32 per person or $27 if pre-registered before May 13th.

    NOTE: Many Outposts have additional costs for transportation and food. Please contact your leaders for a total cost of the event.

  • Research shows 8-14 year olds are into online and cellular phone gaming. Currently, Clash of Clans is one of the most popular cellular gaming apps. The theme was chosen to appeal to the demographic.

  • Clash of Clans is a game in which players form communities called clans (akin to an Outpost), train troops (create themed costumes), and battle other players (Pow-Wow games) to earn medals & prizes.

  • You can learn more about Clash of Clans by researching online.

  • • Find a SINGULAR theme for your entire outpost (i.e. Barbarians, Archers, Vikings, Hog Riders, etc.) and apply it to costumes and campsite frontage for your entire outpost


    • Find MULTIPLE themes and apply them to costumes for age groups (i.e. Ranger Kids are Archers, Discovery Rangers are Hog Riders, Adventure Rangers are Barbarians Commanders are Giants, etc.) and create a fortress of your campsite

Got more Questions?

Contact us