What if men of God took the opportunity to spend time side by side with boys and young men, teaching them about photography and videography? What if your boys taught men how to utilize social media and photoshop? Mentoring can take place in any setting! All it requires is a student and a learner. Technology is a vast industry and their are too many jobs to count!
Our district utilizes all five activities to meet the unique needs of each church represented at our district wide summer camp, including:
outdoor skills
Don't let that be the only time your kids are exposed to these exciting activities, you can use them too! Teaching Ranger Kids using laptops or tablets can be much more engaging and will help hone their attention and settle their little bodies. While the national Royal Rangers office is preparing new merits all the time, feel free to utilize your skills and talents (or those of your boys!) to come up with a five week lesson all your own! So go ahead, start planning your next technology merit today! These merits listed below are a sample from TRaCclub and can be viewed in detail with a paid subscription. Click here for the link to TRaCclub.
Links to Explore Technology
TRaCclub Technology Merits
Amateur Radio